
What is is an online resource for Latin learners and Latin lovers. Our comprehensive and interactive quizzes will help you learn, and retain, Latin grammar and vocabulary.

Our Grammar tables encompass adjectives, nouns, and pronouns of many kinds. Vocabulary is taken from the Oxford Latin Course series, and can be arranged in many different ways.

Test your grammar with our interactive grammar tables, and your vocabulary with self-checking quizzes!

Advanced Quiz options


Use these drop-down select boxes to set a chapter or range of chapters from which you want your quiz words to be taken. The chapters are those of the Oxford Latin Course series. LatinTests lists words not learnt in a specific chapter of the series, and listed in the back of the series books with no corresponding chapter, under “Chapter 0”.
Select the checkbox under the drop-down menus to have the words in your quiz appear as they do in the chapter in which they are found. The words will otherwise be shown as in the vocabulary lists at the back of Books III and IV.

Word Types

This sets which word types you wish to include in your quiz. Deselect “All Word Types”, which is selected by default, to get access to more advanced options. Within these, deselect “All Verbs”, “All Adjectives”, and “All Nouns” to get more advanced within those word types.

Type of quiz

This parameter, when creating your own quiz, determines whether it will be in list or test format. A list gives you the words and their definitions, ideal for studying or learning the vocabulary before moving on to a test. A test is an interactive and self-checking exercise, helping you learn vocabulary and grammar and making sure you never forget it.
Selecting “Testable” brings up options for the ‘Direction’ of translation in the test. This sets whether you will have to translate words from Latin to English, English to Latin, or both (“Alternating”).

Sort Results

This feature allows you, when creating your quiz, to determine how the results are to be arranged and displayed.
“Fully Alphabetically” sorts words alphabetically by the Latin word (not the English translation). “Fully Randomly” is not too tricky.
Sorting words “By Chapter” will have them organised into chapters. Within that, the options “Alphabetically” and “Randomly” set how the individual words are sorted under each chapter heading. “Separate by Word Type” organises the words further, so that they are organised in three tiers: they are sorted randomly or alphabetically, within each word type, within each chapter.
Sorting the words “By Word Type” produces corresponding results.

Vocabulary is taken from the Oxford Latin Course series. was created in 2005 and is not actively maintained